5 Ways To Avoid Body Pains for Elders

5 Ways To Avoid Body Pains for Elders
Ever had a time when you’re playing a sport, but then you’ve experienced body pains in the middle of playing it? Like the kind of pain that you cannot tolerate and it worsens every hour? Yes, pain relievers may be helpful, but too much of it can only worsen the situations since taking too much pain relievers has side effects. Like the painkiller Opioid, where according to Cleveland Clinic website, it causes constipation, hormone imbalance, worsened pain, and depression. Avoid getting used to taking painkillers by preventing your body to feel body pain. Here are ways on how to keep yourself from body pains:

Avoid Fatty and Oily Foods
Foods that are either fatty or oily are unhealthy. They contribute certain health risks on your body like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, diabetes, and other diseases or illness. Though they may look tempting and delicious, don’t be too deceived, or else prepare the consequence.

Soak in the hot tub
One of the benefits of being in a hot tub is that it calms your nerves and muscles as you dip yourself in the hot tub. That is because hot water is therapeutic, it relaxes your body since it minimizes tension, and it helps in regulating the blood flow of your blood cells.

Take Minimal Exercise Only
You don’t have to be too strenuous when you workout or exercise. If you think you’re body can’t handle it, then don’t do it. It will only cause you more trouble since you’re stressing your muscles, which result in body pain. To prevent yourself from being in this situation, do exercises that only you can handle. Always know your limits.

Never Forget To Take Your Medicine
Of course, foods are not only your source of nutrients. Vitamins and minerals also help in keeping your body strong and healthy, and a source of nutrients too. Some of the vitamins that you need to take are Vitamins A, B-Complex, C, D, E, and K, and minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and others. They are not like your pain reliever that has side effects when you abuse it. However, you should ask your doctor about the right prescription.

Avoid Too Much Work
Don’t forget that the main reason why you have body pains is because you work too hard. It’s either you do so much physical activity that your body can’t handle, or you’re pushing yourself too hard thinking that you’re able to do it. It’s time for you to stop that habit and know your limits, always. That way, you reduce the chances of having body pains and other health risks.

If you don’t want to feel body pains anymore, all you need to remember is to stay healthy and remember your limits. That’s the best thing that you can do.

If you’re still undergoing body pains, or if you need assistance with your everyday living, you may come to us at Cedargate Healthcare. At Cedargate Assisted Living Facility in Kannel Blvd. Poplar Buff MO, we will always welcome you with open arms. Call us at 573-785-0188 or visit our website at www.cedargatehc.com to know the services we offer.

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